Sunday, May 18th
Join us as we celebrate twenty-five years of Annunciation Parish “putting out into the deep” (Luke 5:4) while also casting our nets further into the deep for the years ahead.
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Most Reverend Bishop Robert Pipta
Celebrant & Homilist
Reception & Banquet
Orland Chateau
14500 LaGrange Rd – Orland Park, IL
Cost: $50/person
Family Style Dinner & Open Bar
Children under 18 are free
Live dinner music provided by:
Peter Oprisko Quartet
Program Book Advertisement
To help offset the cost of the banquet, we are selling program advertisements. Please consider purchasing a spot in the 25th Anniversary booklet for your family, business or organization. Art files should be submitted to, please use 25th Anniversary Program as the Subject Line. We will accept PDF or JPEG formats with 300DPI. If you need help making your family’s well wishes or business advertisement special, please note this in the email and we will have someone contact you. Advertisements can be purchased by clicking on the register button below.
Full Page – 5.5 x 8.5 – $500
Half Page – 5.5 x 4.25 – $300
Qtr Page – 2.25 x 4.25 – $150
If you have any questions, please contact the Business Office: 708-645-0241