_MG_0002Spreading the Good News

Our recently established parish is developing as a center in the Midwest for learning and spiritual enrichment. Our parish is a place to learn and live the gospel of Jesus Christ as communicated through the specific spiritual heritage of Eastern Christianity and the cultural heritage of the Ruthenian ecclesiastical jurisdiction.

Our comprehensive program of Evangelization together with the ongoing development of our iconography, landscaping, learning and spiritual enrichment is supported by a Biblically-based stewardship of weekly donations, tithing and planned giving. These forms of stewardship have financial and spiritual advantages for the donor as well as for Annunciation parish. There are various ways to help support our vision:

Weekly Contributions

You may make your weekly contribution below if you are unable to attend the Divine Liturgy. You’ll have the option (a checkbox) to make it a recurring donation at an amount and frequency you choose but that is not required. Please enter your envelope# in the box under “Additional Information”.

Gift of Cash

This is the most customary way of giving to the church. Monetary gifts in addition to your usual weekly support can reduce your taxes for the year depending on your income.

Gift of Securities

A gift of stocks or bonds to the church can provide ways for claiming a 30-50% tax deduction based on your income.

Gift by Will

A donation in your will can be an outright gift to Annunciation Church. The federal tax on your estate could be significantly reduced by this remembrance of Annunciation parish.

Memorial Gift

A more appropriate and long-lasting tribute, gifts to Annunciation parish in lieu of flowers or other typical commemorations when a loved one dies provide a witness to the community of the familyÍs love and devotion to the Byzantine Catholic Church.

Life Insurance Gift

A life insurance policy can name Annunciation parish as the owner and beneficiary. You can make small annual payments which will result in a meaningful gift to the parish without depriving your family or depleting your estate. A life insurance gift does not require any change in your will to effect the gift and your contributions are tax deductible. Benefits are directly paid to the parish without probate delays.

Charitable Gifts in Trusts

This kind of gift can give you or your beneficiary income while the principal or interest from the property or securities can be kept by Annunciation parish. Among the most common types:

  • Short Term Trust
  • Remainder Interest Deed
  • Annuity Trust (Fixed Amount)
  • Unitrust (Fixed Percentage)
  • Pooled Income Fund
  • Gift Annuity


How to Proceed with Your Special Gift to Annunciation Parish

We are blessed with many talented and professional people in our parish who are willing to talk with you about your gift. You can also discuss the various ways of giving listed with your own attorney, accountant, life insurance agent or banker. The pastor is available to meet with you to talk about your gift to Annunciation parish. The time you spend today to strengthen the future of our Byzantine Catholic church will be a lasting remembrance for generations to come of your unselfish generosity and dedication to Annunciation Byzantine Catholic Church.