This unique program reveals how the riches of the Eastern Catholic Churches - their liturgies, spirituality and relevancy - are a gift to the whole Church and to today's world.
2024-12-31 As though being born and laid in a manger in Bethlehem was not humbling enough, Our Lord chose to lower himself in the lowest spot on the Earth’s surface, the river Jordan. There he would be baptized for our sake and God as Trinity would be revealed. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-12-24 There was no room at the Inn for the Holy Family traveling to Bethlehem. Is there room in Iowa for a Byzantine Catholic priest and his community? Find out, from our special guest. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-12-24 All families have their story, from sinners to saints, so it is with the family of Jesus Christ. But God still works out His divine plan which is the miracle of this season. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 65 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-12-10 St. Pope John Paul II described monasticism as the "reference point for all the baptized." During this season, we return to our baptism through, monasticism. Our special guest will explain. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-12-10 Do not celebrate Christmas. That's Right. Do not celebrate Christmas. Rather, rely on the Church's preparation for Christmas to help you enter the mystery of the Incarnation and be transformed by it." MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-11-29 As we draw near to the Nativity of Our Lord, we look back on the ancestry of Christ and the many foretellings and prefigurements of Christ in the Old Testament. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:30m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-11-21 So which are you...? A 'Rad Trad', a Pro-Popolo Novus Ordo or maybe Ad Orientum Novus Ordo, or just plain confused and fed up? The Eastern Catholic Churches are here to help. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-11-14 Those who Confess best will far surpass the rest. So, how do we Confess best in the Eastern Catholic form of this healing Sacrament of Confession? MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-11-05 With only a few weeks of each other, two giants have been lost to the Church in these modern times. How does this concern or impact the Eastern Catholic Churches? MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-11-05 Pope St. John Paul II reminds us that the Catholic Church breathes with both lungs East and West. There are actually 21 different ancient and venerable ways to be Catholic. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-10-25 Do you want to remain hopeful, faithful and negotiate through the strife, division and confusion of our times? Look into the timeless wisdom of the Church’s liturgy and saints. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:30m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-10-25 In America, it is difficult for Catholics to vote with a complete sense of peace and confidence due to life issues, In this regard, Eastern Liturgy and the Catholic Catechism can bring some perspective. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-10-10 When an evil force seeks to destroy a culture, it destroys the imagery of that culture. Imagery makes present the soul of a culture, just as it does in the Catholic Church MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-09-30 'So ancient yet so new. How late have I found Thee.' The words of St. Augustine to Our Lord might also be the words of those who have found a place within the Eastern Catholic Churches. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-09-23 Every Eastern Christian church has its own ancient and indigenous chant which is sung by the faithful during liturgical services. This gives cantors a special place in Eastern Christian Liturgy. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-09-18 Our children have gone back to school and so are we. We begin our school year with the question: What is the THE difference between the Eastern Rites and the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church? MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-09-09 An often aske question is "What is THE difference between an Eastern Catholic Church and the Roman Catholic Church?" We will attempt to offer a simple answer for this not so simple question. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-09-09 As the horizontal bar and the vertical bar converge to form the Cross, ancient Byzantine liturgical texts converge with a modern era prophet to explain the mystery of the Cross. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-08-27 The Eucharistic Congress has passed. So where are we now in terms of a... Eucharistic revival? And... what might the Eastern Catholic Churches contribute to this question? MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-08-25 The spirituality of the Eastern Christian Churches although ancient influenced the writing of the contemporary science fiction book. Author Mary Jessica Woods will be with us to talk about her new book and the influence behind it. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-08-13 'So ancient yet so new. How late have I found Thee.' The words of St. Augustine to Our Lord might also be the words of those who have found a place WITH the Eastern Catholic Churches. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-08-08 So which are you...? A 'Rad Trad,' a Pro-Popolo Novus Ordo or maybe Ad Orientum Novus Ordo, or just plain confused and fed up? The Eastern Catholic Churches are here to help. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-07-29 The raging of the sea, the raging of nations, fire in the sky just some of the warnings of the End Times. Are the End Times really near? The answer is both yes and we don’t know MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-07-22 We are not PC here at 'Light of the East Radio.' We are BC, Byzantine Catholic. But there are some questions from RCs that are not very PC to pose to a BC. Is this making sense? MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-07-16 There is in our times a big round painful hole in the very soul of Western civilization. It could very well be that is the Eastern Catholic Churches that can help fill that hole. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-07-09 We can have full confidence that a Church whose dogma's came about from Councils and not from a mere person is indeed the fullness of the Body of Christ on Earth. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-06-30 The once common in the understanding and devotion to the Eucharist in both the Eastern and Western lungs of the Church are today vividly retained in the Eastern Catholic Churches. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-06-28 'So ancient yet so new. How late have I found Thee.' The words of St. Augustine to Our Lord might also be the words of those who have found a place within the Eastern Catholic Churches. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-06-20 We revisit a fundamental question that is often asked and often not well understood. What exactly is meant by the different Rites of the Catholic Church? How and why are they different? MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-06-20 The once common in the understanding and devotion to the Eucharist in both the Eastern and Western lungs of the Church are today vividly retained in the Eastern Catholic Churches. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-06-06 Artificial flowers, artificial flavors, artificial birth control and now artificial intelligence? Is there any place, any thing, any more where things are still real and natural? MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-05-28 Ahh yes, those hazy, lazy days of summer, but not too fast with the ribs, burgers and brats. We have some preparing to do for a whole lot of special feast days and events this summer that will be good for your body. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-05-22 Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has completed His mission of descent and Ascent, taking human nature with him to Heaven. Now, it is for us to complete OUR mission becoming saints. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-05-22 here are Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Fruits of the Holy Spirit, the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit and a Church very much powered by by the Holy Spirit. Welcome, to the Eastern Catholic Churches. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-05-08 In most areas of the world, the Eastern Catholic Churches are small and sparse. What does a small and sparse Church have to offer in confronting the big and powerful issues of our day? MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-05-02 We are coming up on 40 days after the bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ where we will see Christ’s Ascension into heaven and the ascension Saints Cyril and Methodius as co-patrons of Europe. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-04-24 Pope St. John Paul II said that every encounter in the Bible between God and womanhood was an encounter of the newness of life. It was so at the Annunciation, the empty tomb and now at Jacob's well. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-04-18 We are half-way between the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the sending down of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. It is a week filled with miracles, martyrs and Apostles. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-04-10 In the details of His Bodily Resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ reaches back to the beginning to retrieve and redeem his original plan for creation, as The Myrrh-bearing women, Joseph and Nicodemus will explain. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-04-02 On the Sunday after Pascha both lungs of the Church converge at the theme of God’s mercy. For the Latin rite, it is Divine Mercy Sunday. For many Eastern churches, it is the Sunday of doubting Thomas. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-03-27 As we have died with Christ, we now rise with him in His Bodily Resurrection making all things new not just 2,000 years ago but even at this very moment and forever. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-03-22 In many Eastern Catholic Churches, the Season of Lent has ended. But a separate and more ancient period of fasting and penance has begun - the Week of the Bridegroom. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-03-14 On this last Sunday of Lent in many Eastern Catholic Churches a woman is put before our eyes who is a model of repentance, reverence for the Eucharist and hope for women experiencing the pains of shame. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-03-04 Three great ascetics are put before our eyes as our guides at this point of Lent. As Pope Saint John Paul II said, 'Monasticism is the reference point for all of the baptized.' MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-02-28 Getting weary of the Lenten fasting? Sneaked that piece of chocolate or gossiped about someone? Take heart, encouragement is here on this Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-02-20 Abstaining from meat, dairy, sweets, wine, oil I-phones and entertainment and adding more prayer seem unreasonable? It is actually the norm that Lent seeks to bring us back to, MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-02-13 Behold the Church is covered with a heavenly garment by the icons thus preserving the true faith. May those who do not believe this be covered with shame. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-02-05 The season of Lent emphasizes almsgiving for which the Eastern Catholic Churches are a worthy focus as they are at the epicenter of much global strife. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-01-29 In a temple the Elder Simeon holds Christ in his hands and then asks to be dismissed from this world. What do we say with God entering our entire being. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-01-26 St. John Paul II reminded us that the Church breathes with two lungs, two complementary expressions of the one same Faith. But what is it that the two lungs have in common? MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-01-16 Perhaps the single greatest genius of the Eastern Christian spirituality is the art of living in the both/and – where something can be this and that at the same time. This first Sunday of pre-Lent will make this clear. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-01-13 In a baton race, two runners overlap for a moment as the baton is being passed. So it is with the past and upcoming seasons in the Church's Liturgical "passing of the baton." MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-01-13 As though being born and laid in a manger in Bethlehem was not humbling enough, Our Lord chose to lower himself in the lowest spot in the Earth’s surface, the river Jordan. There he would be baptized for our sake and God as Trinity would be revealed. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2024-01-13 Providentially in the civil calendar as we cut away from the previous year and open to a New year, Our New Born Savior likewise undergoes a cutting away and an openness to the new. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-12-18 All families have their story from sinners to saints. So, it is with the family of Jesus Christ. But God still works out His divine plan which is the miracle of this season. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:30m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-12-13 Do NOT 'celebrate the Holidays.' Rather, contemplate and be transformed by the Great Mystery of the Incarnation. Don't just buy gifts. Become a gift now and in every moment after December 25th. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-12-13 So much decorating! So many lights to put up. It is the ancient iconography of the Church, even one painted by our Blessed Mother herself, that will explain our need for imagery. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-11-28 "Do not celebrate Christmas. That's Right. Do not celebrate Christmas. Rather, rely on the Church's preparation for Christmas to help you enter the mystery of the Incarnation and be transformed by it. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:30m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-11-20 Both inside and outside of the Church, hope, self-sacrifice and courage, much needed in our world, seem to be so scarce. Our two guests Rinju Chenet and Kameron Traxler serve as signs of hope for the Church and the world. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-11-14 This week you will listen to a milestone moment here on Light of the East. With gratitude to Almighty God and to all of you, we will broadcast program number 1,000. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-11-07 Do you want to remain hopeful, faithful and negotiate the strife, division and confusion of our times? Look into the timeless wisdom of the Church's Liturgy and saints. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-11-02 I hear the echoes of the coming Christmas Season. And it presents us with not only a spirit of gift but also of saints and angels to focus upon in our preparation. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-10-23 So ancient yet so new. How late have I found Thee.” The words of St. Augustine to Our Lord might also be the words of those who have found a place within the Eastern Catholic Churches. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-10-17 Do you want to remain hopeful, faithful and negotiate through the strife, division and confusion of our times? Look into the timeless wisdom of the Church's liturgy and saints. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-10-09 Every Eastern Christian church has its own ancient and indigenous chant which is sung by the faithful during liturgical services. This gives cantors a special place in Eastern Christian Liturgy. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-10-04 We are not PC here at "Light of the East Radio." We are BC, Byzantine Catholic. But there are some questions from RCs that are not very PC to pose to a BC. Is this making sense? MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-09-25 As we draw near to the Nativity of Our Lord we look back on the ancestry of Christ and the many foretellings and prefigurements of Christ in the Old Testament MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:30m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-09-19 There is in our times a big, round, painful hole in the very soul of western civilization. It could very well be that it is the Eastern Catholic Churches that can help fil that hole. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-09-13 Our children have gone back to school and so are we. We begin our school year with the question: What is the THE difference between the Eastern Rites and the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church? MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-09-13 The Church East and West, will be celebrating the Feast of the Holy Cross. Celebrating Feast days makes that event relevant to the present moment. This is certainly true for the Mystery of the Cross. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-08-29 Happy New Year everybody! It IS the new year at least in the Liturgical cycle of the Byzantine Catholic Church. And the very first Feast Day is the Birth of the Mother of God. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-08-29 The story of those parts of the Eastern Orthodox Churches that reunited with Rome after the Great Schism of 1054 AD is a story filled with understanding and misunderstanding, but nonetheless essential. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-08-16 So which are you...? A 'Rad Trad', a Pro-Popolo Novus Ordo or maybe Ad Orientum Novus Ordo, or just plain confused and fed up? The Eastern Catholic Churches are here to help. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-08-07 News Flash... Passions and divisions are flaring high in one of the most ancient and venerable Eastern Catholic Churches. Pope Francis has had to intervene but with the help of another Eastern Catholic Church. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-07-31 Are you joyful, apprehensive or just plain confused about the Synodal process that you have been hearing about? The Eastern Churches can be of great help and clarity to you on this subject. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-07-26 Devotional practices between the Eastern and Western lungs of the Church are often different from each other, yet they arrive at the same point. These differences are not deficits but rather, complements. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-07-26 The raging of the sea, the raging of nations, fire in the sky, just some of the warnings of the end times. Are the end times really near? The answer is both yes and we don't know. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-07-12 There is saint spelled with a small 's' and Saint spelled with a capital 'S' The life of a baptized Christian is a journey toward turning a small 's' into a capital 'S' MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-06-30 We revisit a fundamental question that is often asked and often not well understood. What exactly is meant by the different Rites of the Catholic Church? How and why are they different? MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-06-28 'God does not love us because we are valuable. We are valuable because God loves us.' Learn how you can help the author of these words to be declared a saint. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-06-19 So ancient yet so new. How late have I found Thee." The words of St. Augustine to Our Lord might also be the words of those who have found a place within the Eastern Catholic Churches. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-06-16 Every Eastern Christian church has its own ancient and indigenous chant which is sung by the faithful during liturgical services. This gives cantors a special place in Eastern Christian Liturgy. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-06-08 AH Yes those hazy lazy days of summer. But not so fast with the ribs, burgers and brats. We have some preparing to do that will be good for our soul and our body. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-05-30 An invocation to the Holy Spirit, the Heavenly King and Comforter, begins all prayer all prayer services in the naturally charismatic Byzantine Catholic Church. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-05-22 We revisit a question often asked and often not well understood. What exactly is meant by the different rites of the Catholic Church? How and why are they different? MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-05-17 The Nicene Creed as proclaimed that every Byzantine Divine Liturgy has its significance and relevancy today as it did during its beginnings in the Church Fathers gathered in Nicaea in 325 AD. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-05-09 Story telling is the essential way that our Lord and the Liturgy of the Church immerse us into the drama and message of the scriptures. Our special guest Eric Groth tells stories through the medium of film. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:30m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-05-02 The sanctity of marriage and the whole order of man and woman finds its context in the liturgy and iconography of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. His Resurrection is also our resurrection MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-04-19 Have you been to so many doctors, taken so many treatments and medication and nothing seems to work? The resurrected body of Jesus Christ and Liturgy of the Church can actually offer real healing. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-04-17 This week, through the liturgy of the Church we become the Myrrh-Bearing Women who are the first to hear of Christ's Resurrection. The fact that it was women is very providential. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-04-12 On the Sunday after Pasca, both lungs of the Church converge at the theme of God's mercy. For the Latin rite, it is Divine Mercy Sunday. For many Eastern churches it is the Sunday of Doubting Thomas. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-04-03 Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen! As we mystically suffered and went to the Cross with our Lord, so to must our Lord's Resurrection now be our own resurrection, our own victory over sin and death. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-04-03 St John Paul II said that monasticism is the reference point for all of the baptized. Lent is our monastic experience. An example of two desert monastics are put before our eyes as our guides. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-03-20 Words like Perichorresis, Kenosis, Theoria Theologica sound unfamiliar but together with the liturgical monastic tradition they make up the potpourri of Eastern spirituality. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-03-13 Three great ascetics are put before our eyes as our guides at this point of Lent. As Pope Saint John Paul II said, 'Monasticism is the reference point for all of the baptized.' MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-03-07 There's a humanitarian disaster on the southern border in the United States of America. For a simple solution look no further than the Liturgy of the Eastern Catholic Churches. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-02-27 On the Second Sunday of Lent, we focus on contemplative prayer which enables us to see the crises in Ukraine, the mystery of the Cross put before the eyes of the world. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-02-24 We revisit a fundamental question that is often asked and often not well understood. What exactly is meant by the different Rites of the Catholic Church? How and why are they different? MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-02-14 The Season of the Great Fast, Lent, emphasizes almsgiving for which the Eastern Catholic Churches are a worthy focus as they are at the epicenter of much global strife. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-01-31 In the temple, the elder Simeon holds Christ in his hands and then asks to be dismissed from this world. What do we say with God entering our entire being? MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-01-25 The next runner to receive the baton in the relay race has to start running before the actually receive the baton from the previous runner. So it is now in the liturgical calendar of many Eastern Churches. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-01-18 Within only a few weeks of each other two giants have been lost to the Church in these modern times. How does this concern or impact the Eastern Catholic Churches? MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-01-13 Almighty God raises up in each age, certain persons who turn the Church and the world on its axis. Pope Benedict XVI in our age and the desert monastics in an early age are some examples. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2023-01-04 As though being born in a manger in Bethlehem was not humbling enough, Our Lord lowered himself into the Jordan River for our sins and God as Trinity was revealed. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-12-28 Blessed New Year to all! Don't take down the decorations just yet. We are not finished with the immersion into Our Lord's Incarnation and Divine Condescension. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-12-19 All families have their story, from sinners to saints. So it is with the family of Jesus Christ. But God still works out his Divine Plan which is the miracle of this season. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 65 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-12-13 Apprehensive about who's coming to Christmas Dinner? This Sunday in the Byzantine Catholic Church can be helpful as we look at the genealogy of Jesus Christ. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-12-07 Many people today, suffer from a lack of foundation and a sense of belonging. The genius of the Church has something to offer as we observe today and next Sunday, the patrimony of the new born Savior, Jesus Christ. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-12-02 Do not celebrate Christmas. That's Right. Do not celebrate Christmas. Rather, rely on the Church's preparation for Christmas to help you enter the mystery of the Incarnation and be transformed by it. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-12-02 As we draw near to the Nativity of Our Lord, we look back on the ancestry of Christ and the many foretellings and preferments of Christ in the Old Testament. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-11-16 Having entered the penitential period for the Birth of Jesus Christ, we now enter with the Virgin Mary into the Temple where she herself becomes the living Temple of God. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-11-07 'So ancient yet so new. How late have I found Thee.' The words of St. Augustine to Our Lord might also be the words of those who have found a place WITH the Eastern Catholic Churches. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-11-04 Approaching the penitential period leading up to Christmas, we will unite heaven and earth, east and west through the examples of St. Michael the Archangel and St. Josephat, the Ukrainian martyr. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-10-26 In the greatest form of love, the clergy and laity of the Eastern Catholic Churches have laid down their lives for the sake of unity with the Pope of Rome. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-10-17 We revisit a fundamental question that is often asked and often not well understood. What exactly is meant by the different Rites of the Catholic Church? How and why are they different? MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-10-11 There were 7 great ecumenical Councils that took place in the history of the Church. Six are celebrated together. But the observance of the 7th Council stands apart from the rest. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-10-04 The spirituality of the Eastern Christian Churches, although ancient, influenced the writing of a contemporary science fiction book. Author Mary Woods will be with us to talk about her new book and the influence behind it. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:30m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-09-29 'So ancient yet so new. How late have I found Thee.' The words of St. Augustine to Our Lord might also be the words of those who have found a place WITH the Eastern Catholic Churches. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-09-21 It is not Questions and Answers today on our program. It is questions and errors. We will answer commonly held questions and errors regarding the Eastern lung of the Church. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-09-13 Among the many gifts of both lungs of the Church, East and West, we here at Light of the East have our ten favorite gifts that the Eastern Churches offer to the whole Church and the world. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-09-09 Both inside and outside of the Church, hope, self-sacrifice and courage, much needed in our world, seem to be so scarce. Our two guests Rinju Chenet and Kameron Traxler serve as signs of hope for the Church and the world. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-08-30 There is a lot of discussion today in the Latin Rite about priestly celibacy. A monk from an Eastern Catholic monastery will share a perspective on this that the discussion to baptism and the episcopacy. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-08-24 There is a humanitarian disaster on the Southern Border of the United States of America. For a simple solution look no further than the Liturgy of the Eastern Catholic Churches. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:30m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-08-17 For young people seeking spirituality and the mystical, our guest Anthony Dragani, a Byzantine deacon and professor of religious studies will tell young people they need not look outside the Church. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-08-08 The Feast of the Assumption of the Mother of God into Heaven offers an insightful example of the two lungs of the Church, east and west approach things differently but arrive at the same point. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-08-04 Everyone knows about Michaelangelo's frescoes in the Sistine Chapel. There is a Byzantine answer to the Sistine Chapel in an ancient church that has recently been turned into a mosque. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-07-27 The raging of the sea, the raging of nations, fire in the sky, just some of the warnings of the end times. Are the end times really near? The answer is both yes and we don't know. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-07-19 Every Eastern Christian church has its own ancient and indigenous chant which is sung by the faithful during liturgical services. This gives cantors a special place in Eastern Christian Liturgy. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-07-12 We can have full confidence that a Church whose dogma's came about from Councils and not from a mere person is indeed the fullness of the Body of Christ on Earth. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-07-05 We revisit a fundamental question that is often asked and often not well understood. What exactly is meant by the different rites of the Catholic Church? How and why are they different. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-06-28 Wow! It's sure is hot during these dog days of summer. Want a really unique vacation? Plan the rest of your summer according to the Liturgical life of the Church. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-06-20 The spiritual masters of the eastern monastic tradition taught that we must think about our own death a few minutes each day. This may be frightening and can certainly make us wonder about the mystery of the afterlife. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-06-15 Ah yes, the hazy, lazy days of summer of barbeques, brats and beer. However, for the next several days our menus will have to be fish and vegetables instead of brats and burgers MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-06-08 Do you think you can become a saint? Do you want to be? Have you asked your children these questions? Being a saint is actually our true origins and destiny. It was so from the beginning is now, and shall ever be. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-05-31 Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of Truth, who are everywhere present and filling all things, come and dwell within us. Cleanse us of our sins and save our Souls O Gracious One. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-05-25 The Nicene Creed, as proclaimed at every Byzantine Divine Liturgy, has a significance and relevancy today as it did during its beginnings when the Church Fathers gathered at Nicea in 325 AD. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-05-17 The Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven unites our earthly nature with Heaven. During this same week the Feasts of Ss. Cyril and Methodius unite both lungs of the Church, east and west. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-05-10 The sanctity of marriage and the whole order of man and woman finds its context in the Liturgy and iconography of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. His Resurrection is also our Resurrection MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-05-04 Have you been to so many doctors, taken so many treatments and medication and nothing seems to work. The resurrected body of Jesus Christ and Liturgy of the Church can actually offer real healing. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-04-26 This week, through the liturgy of the Church we become the Myrrh-Bearing Women who are the first to hear of Christ's Resurrection. The fact that it was women is very providential. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-04-26 In many Eastern Catholic Churches this Sunday is Thomas Sunday but also known in Latin Rite Churches as Divine Mercy Sunday. Either way, God's mercy will be shown through the doubt of Thomas. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-04-26 Our Lord has Risen from the dead! And we will help you rise to a new level of joy and financial freedom through a Biblically based spirituality of giving. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-04-05 The Week of the Bridegroom is upon us. It is preceded by the raising of Lazarus and Christ's entry into Jerusalem. Two events that anticipate what will happen only one week later. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-03-30 Historically an older generation is often skeptical about the "younger generation" and this is perhaps more true today than ever before. Yet, in salvation history it was often the "youth" that God called upon most. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-03-22 Dr. Paul Gavrilyuk is a Russian speaking Ukrainian and distinguished scholar at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota. He will join us to offer perspective on the situation in Ukraine. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-03-15 The raging of the sea, the raging of nations, fire in the sky, just some of the warnings of the end times. Are the end times really near? The answer is both yes and we don't know. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-03-08 On the Second Sunday of Lent, we focus on contemplative prayer which enables us to see the crises in Ukraine, the mystery of the Cross put before the eyes of the world. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:30m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-03-08 The Eastern Catholic Churches have historically been at the epicenter of some of the most crucial global issues of their day. And so it is, even today in one of the great centers of Eastern Catholicism. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-02-22 This evening in many Eastern Catholic Churches, the season of Lent will begin with the solemn ceremony of Forgiveness between one another and between ourselves and our Merciful God. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-02-14 Are you ready to go vegan!!? That's what's coming up for many Eastern Catholic Churches as we head toward the season of the great fast on the Meat-Fare Sunday. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-02-07 The Scripture parable of the Prodigal Son is our story - a choice for the delusion of ideology or a choice for reality, right reason and our ultimate glorious destiny MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-02-01 The raging of the sea, the raging of nations, fire in the sky, just some of the warnings of the end times. Are the end times really near? The answer is both yes and we don't know MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-01-24 Tensions have arisen between the Holy Father and many faithful tradition loving Latin Rite Catholics. Some of these Catholics have found solace in the Eastern Catholic Churches. Perspective can be helpful. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-01-19 Saints of the Church and Pope Francis have said that the Church is a "field hospital." So, during this season of flues and viruses let's check ourselves into the "field hospital" of Eastern Christian spirituality. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-01-12 Moving out of the Descending Incarnation cycle of the Liturgical calendar, and heading toward the Ascending cycle of Christ's resurrection and Ascension we will hear from great masters of the spiritual life. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-01-05 We have all done a lot of work preparing and living these recent high holy days of Our Lord. Even God Himself has performed His salvific tasks. Now, it is time to let these events work for us. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-12-29 The great act of love and humiliation that our Lord took on by being born in a cave in Bethlehem will continue with submission to circumcision on the eighth day. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-12-21 All families have their story from sinners to saints. So it is with the family of Jesus Christ. But God still works out His divine plan which is the miracle of this season. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 65 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-12-16 Water is marvelous and mysterious. It give life and takes life. It is central to civilization and to the life of the Church. Strange how for some suffering Christians the mystery of water remains scarce. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-12-07 Do not celebrate Christmas. That's Right. Do not celebrate Christmas. Rather, rely on the Church's preparation for Christmas to help you enter into the mystery of the Incarnation and be transformed by it MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-11-30 As we draw near to the Nativity of Our Lord, we look back on the ancestry of Christ and the many foretellings and prefigurements of Christ in the Old Testament. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-11-22 Every Eastern Christian church has its own ancient and indigenous chant which is sung by the faithful during liturgical services. This gives cantors a special place in Eastern Christian Liturgy MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-11-09 A mystical marriage is about to take place. It is the Great Mystery of the Incarnation and we have to clean house and prepare for it. For many Eastern churches, the Philip's is their preparation. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-11-03 Light of the East is dedicated to unity in the Church between east and west. Our ecumenical advance man, Jack Figel makes a quick return to our program with late breaking ecumenical updates. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-10-29 Latin Rite Catholics often ask if the Eastern Catholic Churches pray the Rosary? The answer is a qualified, yes and no. Our special guest, Jack Figel will help us to understand what this actually means. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-10-19 The raging of the sea, the raging of nations, fire in the sky, just some of the warnings of the end times. Are the end times really near? The answer is both yes and we don't know. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-10-13 Pope Francis described the Church as a Field Hospital. We will hear from an author and patient of this hospital as he describes his healing by way of the spirituality of the Eastern Churches. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-10-05 Parents, frazzled or embarrassed by your fidgety or screaming child in church? Out of the mouths of babes wisdom will come, Our Lord tells us. So what "wisdom" is that fidgety child sharing about themselves and about the church? MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-09-29 There is a humanitarian disaster on the Southern Border of the United States of America. For a simple solution look not further than than the Liturgy of the Eastern Catholic Churches. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-09-22 Last Sunday marked the 22nd anniversary of our first Liturgy in our new church of Annunciation in our new location. So. we will do a little boasting, but as St. Paul says, "in the Lord. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-09-16 Two often asked questions today are: Can the Pope mandate things for the Eastern Catholic Liturgies? And How are Eastern Catholic Churches dealing with the pandemic?" MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-09-07 We revisit a fundamental question that is often asked and often not well understood. What exactly is meant by the different Rites of the Catholic Church? How and why are they different? MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-09-02 Both inside and outside of the Church, hope, self-sacrifice and courage, much needed in our world, seem to be so scarce. Our two guests Rinju Chenet and Kameron Traxler serve as signs of hope for the Church and the world. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-08-25 There is no need to lose our heads about the way the world is. On second thought there is someone who did, and it is helped us keep our heads and Faith. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-08-18 Warnings and predictions of the worldwide pandemic, vaccination policies and lockdowns are swirling again. The spirituality of the Eastern Churches indeed have something to offer during this time of great anxiety. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-08-11 The Feast of the Assumption of the Mother of God into Heaven offers an insightful example of the two lungs of the Church, east and west approach things differently but arrive at the same point. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-08-02 We revisit a fundamental question that is often asked and often not well understood. What exactly is meant by the different Rites of the Catholic Church? How and why are they different? MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-07-28 The beginning of another month in the Byzantine Liturgical calendar starts off with rich events, a potential period and a way to overcome the demons of lust and pornography. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-07-28 From Critical Race Theory to the Equity Act, to Pandemic policies, we live in confusing times for which the history and spirituality of the Eastern Churches can offer sources of stability. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-07-13 We can have full confidence that a Church whose dogma's came about from Councils and not from a mere person is indeed the fullness of the Body of Christ on Earth. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-07-08 Wow! It's sure is hot during these dog days of summer. Want a really unique vacation? Plan the rest of your summer according to the Liturgical life of the Church. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-06-29 Holy Communion and Ex-Communion. There is a lot of Communication and MIS-communication about it all these days. Allow the Liturgy itself to communicate clarity and truth on the source and summit of our existence. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-06-21 The world needs to rediscover the virtue of real humility which has gone missing in modern society. Yet, as always, the Liturgical life of the Church offers a way back for us to this priceless virtue. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-06-15 Words like Perichorresis, Kenosis, Theoria Theologica sound unfamiliar but together with the liturgical monastic tradition they make up the potpourri of Eastern spirituality. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-06-07 The raging of the sea, the raging of nations, fire in the sky, just some of the warnings of the end times. Are the end times really near? The answer is both yes and we don't know. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-06-01 In the Byzantine Calendar, we're in the season of the Sundays after Pentecost, In the Latin Rite, this is known as ordinary time, which is actually extraordinary and vice versa. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-05-25 This weekend, in both civil life and in the life of the Church, we honor those who gave their lives that we might have a blessed life on earth and in eternity. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-05-18 In the Liturgy of the Church, we are mystically transported from earth to Heaven. The Feast of our Lord's Ascension is not only His Ascension but ours as well. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-05-12 We will soon enter into the miracle of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday. The Church therefore reminds us of what it is that we actually believe about our Faith. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-05-04 The magnificence of the Ascension of our Lord can be understood by looking first at his condescension in Bethlehem which allowed our human nature to then Ascend with Christ into Heaven MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-04-27 Jesus Christ encounters a Samaritan woman at an ancient well. What transpires between them will provide insights on how to handle questions like how to save the world and "did you get vaccinated yet?" MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-04-20 Vaccines, masks, lockdowns, third wave, different strains, more opinions, more confusion, more anxiety. There is, however a place to go for the healing of body AND soul which is simple and effective. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-04-15 Almighty God is the great set up artist. He takes what was lost to regain that which was lost. We see the set up artist at work in the persons of the Myrrh-bearing women at the empty tomb. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-04-07 On the Sunday after Pascha, both lungs of the Church converge at the theme of God's Mercy. For the Latin Rite it is Divine Mercy Sunday. For Many Eastern Churches it is the Sunday of Doubting Thomas. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-03-31 Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! As we mystically suffered, and went to the Cross with Our Lord, so too must Our Lord's Resurrection now be our own Resurrection, our own victory over sin and death MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-03-23 In many Eastern Churches this week is called the Week of the Bridegroom. Through the deep liturgical services we walk with the Bridegroom Christ to his mystical marriage on the Cross. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-03-18 St. John Paul II said that monasticism is the reference point for all of the baptized. Lent is our monastic experience and the examples of two desert monastics are put before our eyes as our guides. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-03-08 Three great ascetics are put before our eyes as our guides at this point of Lent. As Pope Saint John Paul II said, "Monasticism is the reference point for all of the baptized." MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-03-01 The Bright Sadness of Lent becomes palpable as this Sunday of the Great Fast brings us to the convergence of the Veneration of the Cross and the Annunciation of the Mother of God. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-02-22 The Lenten rigors of fasting and penance have as their goal the renewal of the true vision of things. The Eastern Spiritual Masters had a word and a prayer for this. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-02-18 Images matter. They matter so much that historically images were the thing that opponents of the Church went after and images matter on the First Day of Lent MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-02-10 Wow! What a Week! Are you ready to enter into the most transformative and challenging season of the Church's year? Here it is! The Bright Sadness of repentance, and none too soon. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-02-02 In the Eastern Catholic Churches, Lent is called the Bright Sadness. How relevant is this term today?! Amidst the darkness of repentance we can, and must, become a people of brightness. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-01-26 The Season of our Lord's condescension now gives rise to our ascension through the season of repentance. The Scripture, A Feast Day and the prayer for the deceased converge in a week of transition. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-01-20 The world needs to rediscover the virtue of real humility which has gone missing in modern society. Yet, as always, the Liturgical life of the Church offers a way back for us to this priceless virtue. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-01-13 Having been immersed in the mystery of our Lord's coming in the flesh, we look toward the season of repentance with the help of those who were the great masters at it MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-01-04 From the birth of Christ through to his presentation in the Temple and to his baptism, this time of Epiphany of manifestation is ingeniously expressed through the prayer of the Church. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-12-29 It may be Providential as America awaits the revelation of who will actually be its President, the Church East and West celebrates a Great Feat of revelation, illumination and sanctification MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-12-22 All families have their story from sinners to saints. So it is with the family of Jesus Christ. But God still works out His divine plan which is the miracle of this season. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:30m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-12-17 Every Eastern Christian church has its own ancient and indigenous chant which is sung by the faithful during liturgical services. This gives cantors a special place in Eastern Christian Liturgy MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-12-09 Water is marvelous and mysterious. It give life and takes life. It is central to civilization and to the life of the Church. Strange how for some suffering Christians the mystery of water remains scarce MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-12-08 As we draw near to the Nativity of Our Lord, we look back on the ancestry of Christ and the many foretellings and prefigurements of Christ in the Old Testament. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-12-01 The Feast of the Immaculate Conception or is it the Feast of the Conception of the Mother of God in the womb of St Ann? MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-11-25 It is not time for celebration, food and gifts yet. We still should be fasting and praying in anticipation of the invisible God becoming visible through his very own creation. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-11-10 Do you want to remain hopeful and negotiate through the strife, division and confusion of our times? Look into the timeless wisdom of the Church's liturgy and saints. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-11-04 In the tradition of the Church our prayer is amplified by lining our petitions with angels and saints in heaven. The Byzantine liturgical calendar this week features a powerhouse of prayer intercessors to which we can appeal on behalf of our nation. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-10-28 It is All Saints Day in the Western lung of the Church. The East observes this on a different day. Whether from the east or the west, a saint is a saint. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-10-21 It is time to cast our votes in one of the most crucial elections in world history. So we are offering an Eastern Catholic Voter's guide to help form our conscience. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-10-14 Whether e-learning, classroom learning or not learning at all, school is back in session. Before learning new things we will review old things through commonly asked questions. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-10-06 The Fundamental beliefs of the Catholic Church are not the brainchild of any one particular human person. They are the work of the 7 Ecumenical Councils. One in particular gets special attention. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-09-28 Among the many gifts of both lungs of the Church, East and West, we here at Light of the East have our ten favorite gifts that the Eastern Churches offer to the whole Church and the world. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-09-21 "Sheltering at Home" and "Shut Downs" for many married couples has become more like "Fighting at Home" and "Shut Downs" in communication. We look again into the riches of Eastern Christian Spirituality. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-09-16 Our Lord said, Let the children come unto me for such is the Kingdom of God." With the help of our guest, Stephanie Potts, we will see how the children come to Christ in an Eastern Catholic parish. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-09-04 Of all of the virtues that belonged to the desert spiritual masters of the Christian East, one virtue in particular is the most characteristic and far too scarce in our modern age - humility MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-09-02 Everyone knows about Michaelangelo's frescoes in the Sistine Chapel. There is a Byzantine answer to the Sistine Chapel in an ancient church that has recently been turned into a mosque. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-08-26 From pandemics to politics, the stressors of our times can be tough on marriage on family. A renewed look at the Byzantine marriage ceremony can actually help couples find their home base once again. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-08-19 We revisit a fundamental question that is often asked and often not well understood. What exactly is meant by the different Rites of the Catholic Church? How and why are they different? MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-08-17 Civilization will go by the way of the family and these institutions are being attacked like never before. It is the Liturgy of the Church and the Domestic Church that will help marriage and family remain bright. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-08-05 In these days of anxiety and so much darkness, the Church again comes to our rescue through two glorious feast days of our Lord and the most Holy Blessed Mother. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-07-28 This week at Annunciation Byzantine Catholic parish in Homer Glen, IL under the the Light of Tabor and through the dynamism of the Liturgy we will be transfiguring from glory to glory amidst two great feasts. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-07-20 We are reminded that we have no lasting home here on earth as Haiga Sophia, the mother Church of Christianity was once again claimed as a mosque MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-07-14 It ought to be clear to any believing person that demons are running wild in our world today. Eastern Christian Spirituality and warrior saints like the Prophet Elijah can offer calm and confidence amidst the chaos. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-07-07 There is saint spelled with a small s and saint spelled with a capital S. The life of a baptized Christian is a journey toward turning the small S into a capital S MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-07-01 The famous song, "Old Man River," expresses a contrast between the calm integrity of nature and human chaos. The ancient traditions of the Eastern Churches are today's "Old Man River. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-06-30 Ss. Peter and Paul are depicted in their icon standing together holding up a model of the Church. They were the two pillars of the early Church and many saints followed after them." MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-06-18 The 24th Annual Orientale Lumen Conference has been unleashed on social media. Our special guest will clue us into the exciting topics and speakers on the subject of Liturgy and icons. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-06-09 Liturgy is often referred to as "smells and bells." In fact, smells, bells, sights, tastes and touches are not only essential to Liturgy but may even be good for our health MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-06-02 The raging of the sea, the raging of nations, fire in the sky, just some of the warnings of the end times. Are the end times really near? The answer is both yes and we don't know. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-05-26 As they did in the upper room 2,000 years ago, Christians gather again to be filled with the Holy Spirit on this Feast of Pentecost, the completion of God's plan of salvation MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-05-22 Between the double brightness of the Resurrection of Our Lord and the event of Pentecost is the Ascension of our Lord and the illumination of the Council Fathers of Nicea--- sources of hope and light. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-05-13 In the Liturgy of the Church, we are mystically transported from earth to Heaven. The Feast of our Lord's Ascension is not only His ascension but ours as well. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-05-04 Sheltering at Home" and "Shut Downs" for many married couples has become more like "Fighting at Home" and "Shut Downs" in communication. We look again into the riches of Eastern Christian Spirituality. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-04-29 It may be hard to proclaim the Resurrection of Christ during this pandemic. A reach into the gifts of Eastern Christian spirituality can actually help move us beyond fear, anxiety and despondency. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-04-22 How can we experience the Joy of the Resurrection when we are immersed in so much sadness? The women and men who came to care for Jesus's body will provide some answers. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-04-14 The Liturgy of the Church immerses us into the events of Christ's life on earth. These events become our events and are heightened in their reality by the world wide pandemic. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 26 MB - Duration: 27:26m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-04-07 Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! Together with you and Luke the Regular Guy we will share and proclaim the joy of this Day of Days, the Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ from the Dead. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-03-31 In Eastern Churches it is the Week of the Bridegroom begins this Sunday and includes the story of the wise Virgins who were ready for the coming of the Bridegroom, a relevant theme for a time of pandemic. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-03-25 Empty shelves at the grocery stores, social distancing, bars and restaurants and all places of communal gathering closed, sporting events cancelled. The Corona Pandemic has essentially turned us into good monastics. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-03-18 The great spiritual master who lived on Mt. Sinai, St John Climacus, will take us higher and higher on his Ladder of Divine Ascent. The first two rungs of the ladder will be renunciation and obedience. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-03-10 Every Eastern Christian church has its own ancient and indigenous chant which is sung by the faithful during liturgical services. This gives cantors a special place in Eastern Christian Liturgy MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-03-03 The Season of Lent, the Great Fast, is a return to our living experience of the Scriptures and to our real selves MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-02-21 Silence, God's Uncreated Energies, the Divine Light and coming to know God by Unknowing were taught by a 14th century saint and which are relevant for our own time, especially during Lent MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 67 MB - Duration: 28:00m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-02-19 The Sunday evening before Ash Wednesday begins the Lenten Season for many Eastern Catholic Churches. Worshipers take on the posture of Adam exiled from Paradise and also share in a gesture of mutual forgiveness. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-02-11 There is a lot of discussion today in the Latin Rite about priestly celibacy. A monk from an Eastern Catholic monastery will share a perspective on this that the discussion to baptism and the episcopacy. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-02-04 The Scripture parable of the Prodigal Son is our story - a choice for the delusion of ideology or a choice for reality, right reason and our ultimate glorious destiny. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-01-29 On this glorious Feast day, as the Christ child and the Elder Simeon encounter each other through the Temple and the Law we will encounter Christ in our suffering, persecuted Christians of the Middle East MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-01-21 For young people seeking spirituality and the mystical, or guest Anthony Dragani, A Byzantine Deacon and Professors of religious studies will tell young people they need not look outside the Church. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
2020-01-15 In between the season of Christ's descending and His ascending, the Incarnation and the Resurrection. We turn to the great spiritual masters of the desert to serve as our guides. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 66 MB - Duration: 27:29m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)